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The White Fountain (13.5 Km)

Minimum altitude: 1,340 m

Altitude  maximum: 1,737 m

Difficulty level: T2

Ascent: 450m

Descent: 441m

Approximate walking time: 3h15 (hike made on 15.05.2022)

To get there: Motorway A9 to Monthey (exit 18). Troistorrents then Morgins. 

Where to park:Several car parks in the center of the village. We parked next to the Morgins ranch, at the start of the Chésery road.

We took the Chésery road for 200 m then we took the path that goes to the left ("Sentier forestier de Morgins" or "Sentier des ponts"). The path will take you along the "Vièze de Morgins" (river) sometimes on the right bank sometimes on the left bank. A little higher than the place called "Sassey" you will resume the course of the road for a distance of about 650m and there, the footpath will take you up to the White Fountain. This one, as its name suggests, is a resurgence that feeds the fall below. 
Note that the climb is quite steep and that there are two or three delicate passages (= risk of falling). Anyway, this one is not long and the effort is worth it!

From there, two trails start: one leading to Lac de Chésery and the other going down towards the bar-restaurant of "La Tovassière". We took the latter to reach La Tovassière and descend to Morgins via the right side of the Morgins valley. We walked straight through the forest to the first building located   in a small clearing at the edge of the forest. We forked to the left and joined the bridge path at the 2nd fork. 

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