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Bisse de Clavau (14.6 Km)

Minimum altitude: 681 m

Maximum altitude: 630m

Ascent: 181m

Descent: 135m

Distance (round trip): 14.60 Km

Approximate walking time: 4 hours

Ideal hike  at the start of the season when it's not too hot and you want to get back in shape for more physical hikes. The route crosses the vineyard located between Sion and Saint-Léonard on the right bank of the Rhône. 

You can park at the beginning of the course and more precisely in the 2nd bend of the road which leads from the Haute Ecole du Valais to Champlan (see red dot on the map). But beware, the parking lot is not big!

It is possible to extend the hike to the old water intake of the bisse or to the bridge over the Liène (or Lienne) stream. Note that in this part of the hike, you will find aerial passages (be careful if you are prone to vertigo!), as well as a poorly lit tunnel. So take your flashlight with you or if you forget to do so, remember to activate the flashlight function of your smartphone if it has one!  The route that you can find in the "GPS track" file only indicates the route up to the new water intake!


Data provided by: Céline Jallard

Bisse de Clavau.jpg
Bisse de Clavau Sion A.jpg
Bisse de Clavau Sion B.jpg
Bisse de Clavau Sion D.jpg

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