The Breguettaz (3.6 Km)
Maximum altitude: 1193
Minimum altitude: 1074 m
Walking time: 1 hour
Ascent: 152m
Descent: 148m
No difficulty for a pretty course which makes a loop of a little less than 4 km. Indeed, a consequent and well done markup (course n° 454) will lead you, through the fir trees and the clearings, to the restaurant of the Breguettaz or Breguette. The start is located on the north side of the car park, so on the side of the Dent de Vaulion (Photo 01 and 02) ! From the restaurant, the route will take you back down into the valley to begin the ascent to the Col du Mollendruz. The only downsides are the lack of parking spaces on busy days and the fact that the passages between them are a bit tight!

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